
Knowing Trouble

I have been remembering a time of learning,
in a desk
in a classroom
in a college.

It was a favorite professor that day
who looked at his young students
to say,
Trouble will come to you. I promise.
In your lifetime you will see it.
You will not finish life without it.

I thought and thought
two different thoughts.

One of starry-eyed disbelief:
My life is calm and steady.
I'm sure I will live out my days
in no big ups or downs
and be happy forever and always.

And another of hopeless horror:
What terrible thing will happen to me?
When? Will the pain be forever?
How terrible will it be?

And in my mind now I see that student
who both doubted and feared
the pains of living
and could only carry on in
a known temporary happiness
And all the while
secretly bracing for impact.

And now years later,
I find in myself
a different kind of a learning.
Not of
desks or
classrooms or
But as one tiny student
whose eyes have gained just a little
of this unwanted wisdom.

Trouble comes and
people want to say,
"Poor him," or
"Poor you,"
but right or wrong
I can't help but think:
You are not immune to this sort of thing.

Trouble comes.
It just does.
And it feels like fire in your skin
and it won't let you sleep
or eat
or breathe
And your body shakes at night
and you lose all of your words
and thoughts
and the ability to walk about in the world.

But I must say,
there is something about fire.
Something about the heat,
the intensity,
the relentlessness of it
that feels very, very necessary.
I'm reminded of how
babies are birthed,
and how pearls come to exist,
each in distress,
but all the while being navigated
by the complete naturalness of it all.

He knows.
He knows.
He knows it all very, very well.

And once the fire has given its all ,
and something physical
has been changed or destroyed,
then we come out to view the ashes.
We come out of hiding,
Shedding those rigid layers we
had believed we needed to endure.

And we see, yes there were things here before
that are not here now.
Yes, something very terrible has happened.
But, here I stand.
Here I stand.
I did not die from the pain.
And what did die away has been taken care of
by one strong and gentle Savior
who covered the work of even the worst of fires
on a cross
on a hill
so that our unconquerable parts
might know peace forever and ever
and ever.



I want to be good
and strong
and humble.
I wish I was okay
with the hurt
and never chose
over hearing His voice.
I want to be obedient
and healthy
and trusting.
Just not today
and maybe not tomorrow.



Rock of Ages

There are memories I have, so visceral and painful, that have etched themselves so deeply in my heart that I know their remembrances will never go far from me. When I think of the visual representation of it I see a land wide with rock and, without any permission given by me, a chisel ravaged that land with deep trenches. This was not our asking. It was a violent and vicious attack that has left us changed forever.
In the process, someone was stolen from us and we are left in his absence to try and wrap our minds around having just witnessed the ugly progression of life turning into death. In reality, my mind gets it. In my mind I know that we are all going to die one day, that physical life always ends in death, and that disease is not always survivable. I understand these things with my mind. But my heart...my heart screams, "WHAT?" My heart stops me in the middle of my daily tasks and thinks, "Wait, what just happened here?" My heart silently wonders, "He's really gone?"
There is something inconceivable about it all and because I am tiny and human, my heart can only contain so much of it at once. So when one layer gets worked through, another layer appears to remind me of the reality of it all over again. And I sit, bewildered in those trenches that have been dug in my heart, just as if they are places I've never seen before.


I also know that deep calls to deep. Where deep trenches have been dug, there also lies the potential for deep waters of healing to be invited in, causing dry earth to be watered and new buds to spring to life. Where ashes sit in heaps, therein lies the potential for the Spirit to come as He does and turn them into such beauty that the world wonders, "How?" He is bounty, He is solid, He is the Rock of Ages. His Word speaks it and so I raise my eyes from the trenches to grasp it. And looking back, I see how faithful He was to begin wooing me just before everything really began to unravel. His Love rings true forever, so faithful is His loving kindness. Lean into that tiny voice. Fear nothing, for not even death can quench his Love. Fear nothing, fear nothing, fear nothing. Sit at his feet and minister to His heart with your unfaltering trust. Let him lift your chin in order to see more clearly and let all heavy, heaving sadness be laid to rest with the victorious Man of Sorrows.
