There was a day at a camp
in a clearing
in a wood
that has coupled itself so closely
with my heart these days...
The One Who Awakens all Hearts
speaks to all sleepy souls from birth:
Welcome to the light little one,I am your Helper.All of my Love is for your good.And we,
with squinty-eyed distrust
or wide-eyed hopeful trust,
reject or receive these Words
and carry on.
We carry on,
we carry on,
and the world surprises and mistreats us
from all sides.
We carry on,
maybe crawling along or skipping,
laid out or upright.
And we may either say,
This mountain is oh so movable, for my Father goes before me...or
This mountain will surely be my endso I will lay down and surrender to its large bark.And this is how it goes-
He watches as we
become what we believe.
and pass it on and down and all around.
Now I'm taken back to that day of nature learning
in the camp
in the clearing
in the woods.
The leader had said:
Look! I have brought you out into safety.
This clearing has no trap or harm for you.
Now- fly like a bat that does not see with eyes of sight!
Blind-folded and squinty-eyed, I ran.
But picking up speed, I stopped.
Trying again, I ran.
And when fear of a great nothing grew too strong,
I stopped again.
Hadn't I seen the clearing with my own two eyes?
But distrust always hears the bark of the mountain
over the steady flow of Love from the Father.
And fear breeds distrust and distrust will never
lead to flight.
And here I sit today,
unsure with eyes of sight,
but seeing clearly with eyes of spirit
that there is a clear path for my feet.
And if I cling to trust, then I just may
become what I believe.