
On Democracy and Elections

I don't know what praying is
But I've been doing it.
I've been praying that the fear that's in me right now
would recognize the fear that's in the Other
that allowed this to happen.
And I've been listening too,
to the knowing but quiet voice inside
That's saying, Turn off the noise but don't tune out the pain,
Stay woke and get to work,
Let the nausea and horror of this moment in history
provoke the fruit of Creative Response.
"Accept the unacceptable," and respond.
Where there is fear in and around you,
Move uncomfortably closer.
Put flesh and muscle to the cry-
Stronger together-
Hug the co-worker,
Hold each other's babies,
Let your hand rest on your students' shoulders as you walk by,
Breathe down to your bones on your yoga mat,
Put pen to page and voice to song,
Check in on those in your life,
Commit to eye contact.
Let your living and your life be your protest
Let love and liberation be equally bound to one another
And spread your Mockingjay wings wide
With a wink and a smile.


In most moments these days I'm more frightened animal than human being
But in sacred moments,
Usually while walking, 
I am a Daughter of the Earth, Her who I think I've always known
She is surrendered to Life and it's wild and wonderful Flow
Not fighting what must, and will Be
She leans head back in openness and lets it all pass right through
She hums things like, "Let it Be" 
and, "Just be right Here"
Earth Daughter sees every season of creation 
in all knowing of every horror and beauty,
every death and every birth
and with palms/throat/heart open wide, breathes (( YES ))
And with that Life Breath there is connection to the circle
of air and seed and water and soil
She submits to a trusting of the wild, living, pulsing Life Force
Even though Wilderness can lead to fright more often than Certainty
And because in the fall, as a tree begins to mourn it's leaves
All we can do is whisper about how beautiful its surrender is.
All change is both a death and a birth
And everything is always changing, if it is Living
And we do know that it is good to be connected to that which is Living
So she says, I wouldn't have it any other way
And with that thought joins the force of all creation and creators,
In those sacred moments